An association calling itself the Concerned Staff of the University of Education, Winneba (UEW) is appealing to President Akufo-Addo to immediately withdraw the appointment of Nana Ofori Ansah I as Council Chairman of the University.
The group also calls on the president to dissolve the Council with immediate effect.
In a statement, the association complained about several happenings in the University which, accordibg to them, would destroy the peaceful atmosphere of the University if allowed to fester.
The group argued that the “actions and inactions of the Chairman of the Governing Council, Nana Ofori Ansah I, whose continuous autocratic tendencies, coupled with his arbitrary disregard for laid down procedures in the running of the University, has led to heightened tension in the University, which can explode at any moment.”
Nana Ofori Ansah I is among other things being accused of “gross leadership weakness since he was sworn into office, nurturing uneasiness and further nursing and growing adequate plans to destabilize the peace of UEW, and disregarding UEW Statutes and other laid down and established procedures.”
“As clearly stated above, the call for the immediate dissolution of the UEW Governing Council and the subsequent dismissal of Nana Ofori Ansah 1 from office as Council Chairman of UEW is justified without doubt. He pursues his personal interest and the interests of other UEW saboteurs and saboteurs of Ghana at large at the expense of the entire UEW and Ghana as a whole. His continued stay in office as the Governing Council Chairman is a threat to the peace and stability of the University,” the Concerned Staff wrote in a press release.
Click for the full statement