HomeENTERTAINMENTGhana Kente Festival to Showcase Rich Local Textile Heritage

Ghana Kente Festival to Showcase Rich Local Textile Heritage

Ghana Kente Festival to Showcase Rich Local Textile Heritage

The 2024 Ghana Kente Wear Festival would promote and highlight the country’s rich textile tradition, particularly among locals living in the diaspora.

The forthcoming Ghana Kente Wear Festival, slated for August 24-25, will be hosted in Houston, Texas, USA, with attendees expecting some incredible Ghanaian fashion exhibitions.

The event being organised by Black Heritage LLC is an annual event that brings together the fashion industry to deliberate on moving forward Ghanaian local fashion in the diaspora.

According to a statement released by the organisers, they intend to use the festival platform to enhance advocacy and campaign for made-in-Ghana apparel, fashion, accessories, and materials.

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“We live in a globalised village, and it is pertinent that we celebrate the Ghanaian fashion culture anywhere we find ourselves and uphold the memory of our culture and sell it to the rest of the world.

“One way of doing this is to organise this festival, which will be attended by people from diverse backgrounds as we showcase the rich heritage of our fashion brands, thus from traditional to contemporary,” the statement said.

This year’s edition would feature several activities aimed at connecting people of the diaspora to their original Ghanaian roots.


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