He has never said what will not do. Don’t dare him. Otherwise, you will learn that cleanliness and charity begin at home.
His claims and assertions that someone has done something illegal or wrong have typically been made with proof. He single-handedly fought your demons like Anas who clawed you in fear with deadly teeth. You all sat in the coolness of cowards when he was out there defending the brand of this party.
Don’t forget that Mr Kennedy Ohene Agyapong’s origin of popularity and nicknames like the SHOWDOWN stem from his fight for righteousness, justice, and truth.
He does that with his money, time, and energy. He is completely a result-oriented politician who represents white flowers, purity, innocence, God’s abundance, and rebirth of African politics. Sir, Kennedy Ohene Agyapong has all the qualities of a pathfinder, a pacesetter, and a trailblazer. No wonder, he’s selfless and acidic to the seeds of corruption mercurying the dark areas of this government.
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He is rather healing this nation and our party from symptoms of political woes. I see and saw civil revolutionarist, a new civilization rising to fine political stardom with players based on meteoric and outstanding merits; not chauvinism, marksmanship, cronyism, and nepotism.
Osɔfo Nii Naate Atswele Agbo Nartey