The Tsia We Family if Teshie in the Greater Accra region, have petitioned the Inspector General of Police to as a matter of urgency investigate a near bloody clash between two police groups over a land belonging to the family.
Videos intercepted revealed the said confrontation ensued between a group of personnel attached to the Property Fraud Unit of the Ghana Police Service and that of personnel of the Manet District Police Command.
According to the family, the said gun-wielding personnel from the Property Fraud Unit of the National Headquarters of the Police Service who were allegedly working on the orders of one Samuel Kofi Diame (who has been litigating with the family over that piece of land) had stormed the land which lies behind the Manet shopping mall to effect some arrest of persons working there.
The family said, the Manet District police commander who got wind of the said operation by the Property Fraud personnel quickly mobilized his men and stormed the area to enquire from the Accra team, their mission to his jurisdiction.
The family claim not even the presence of the district commander could deter the property Fraud personnel from carrying out their illegal arrest, resulting in some of the Accra team members launching a verbal attack on the district commander whose rank was superior to all members of the property Fraud team that were present on the said day.
The verbal attack nearly resulted in fisticuffs between the Accra team and the Manet team, with some members of the former even brandishing their riffle in the face of the Manet District Police commander and his team, threatening to shoot anyone who prevents them from carrying out their duties.
The Tsiawe family headed by Rev Samuel Nortey, is calling for a full-scale Police investigation into the said operation by the Property Fraud Unit which saw some innocent individuals being arrested and treated as common criminals by personnel.
According to Mr Nortey, the use of armed personnel to intimidate them and move them out of their land won’t wash, urging the inspector General of Police to ensure all persons involved in the attempt to deprive them of their properties are brought to book.